What Your Zodiac Sign Means by the 2024 Spring Equinox  

Spring is a time of harvest, rebirth and renewal—and the most fertile time of year.

This year's spring equinox takes place at 11:06 p.m. ET on March 19, 2024, the first day of spring.

Aries (March 21–April 19) Aries folk are fiery and hate to be told what to do—you're a fire sign, after all.


It's no wonder your zodiac power color is red-hot. Well, this equinox, you have an extra permission slip to be a little wilder and wilier than usual.

Taurus (April 20–May 20) When the spring equinox arrives, the moon will be in your house of home and family

which means you're apt to want to stay in the darkness just a little bit longer. Of course, you are always known for being homey,

Of course, you are always known for being homey, but this cycle may make you feel even more like a domesticated pet.

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